Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Gift of Essential Oils

Recently, a friend gave an incredible going away gift.  She introduced me to the world of essential oils.  The introduction could not have come at a better time as we were preparing for a major move across state lines and I was STRESSED.  I needed something to keep me from a major shutdown, breakdown, whatever you want to call it.  Dreadfully, I considered going back on my ADHD medication which long term always destroyed my immune system rendering me useless due to constant and severe allergies, as well as, catching every bug known to man.  Learning of this she asked me to try a few drops of various oils known to relieve ADHD symptoms.  And by George, they worked.  And worked quickly.  It wasn't a rush it was just a gentle calm or balance, if you will, that came over me.  From there I was hooked.  I took the gift ran with it. And now I am encouraging you to join me on my journey into the world of essential oils.

Thank you, Michelle, for your desire to share your discoveries with me and my family.